To list an item use this link. Membership in Division 4 required to list on SWAP-N-SHOP.
Picture | Description | Price | Phone | Listing # |
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This is a sample of a listing. The image is 250 pixels wide. | $000.00 | 555-123-4567 xxxxxxxxxxx |
1/1 |
This page last updated:
1. Item(s) must be railroad, layout, electronic, related.
2. Item(s) can only be displayed for a maximum of three (3) months.
3. You must list your name and phone number so the interested party(s) can contact you. It will not be listed without them.
4. We are not the go between! All transactions are between you and the buyer/swapper.
5. Any photos must be 250 pixels square or less. Photos limited to two (2) per item 250 pixels wide by 125pixels tall. Whatever adds to 250 X 250.
6. Must notify web master when item is sold/swapped so it can be removed from page. Email only!
7. Limit of ten (10) items from same person listed at any one time.
8. Use font/type that is 14 pitch or smaller. No HTML please.
9. We reserve the right to edit any and all ads if needed.
10. Have your items ready for cut and paste, for ease of transfer to the web page.
11. All rules are subject to change without notice and at the drop of a hat.
12. We are not responsible for any typos, mistakes or what is in any listing of any kind. Please notify me of any changes that need to be made to your listing by email only!
13. Emails will be returned if they do not conform to rules.
14. K.I.S.S. applies.